Welcome to Cambridge City
The Cambridge City Town Council meets the second Monday of each month in the City Building. The meetings are open to the public.
REACH Alerts allow us to immediately share important information regarding waterline breaks, boil water advisories, road closures due to construction or accidents, fires, AMBER/Silver alerts, police actions, and civic events.
City Building - 765-478-3522
Sherry Ervin - Town Clerk
Glendora Pitcock - Office Clerk
Public Works - 765-478-5611
Ken Risch - Public Works Superintendent
Town Council
Jim McLane - Council President
Mike Amick - Vice President
Debbie McGinley, Gary Cole, Jim King
Robert L. Bever - Town Attorney
Recent Meeting Notes
December 09, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
**Meeting Highlights:**
1. Minutes Approval:
a. Approval of November 11th minutes, claims and financial statements
2. Public Hearing:
a. One public hearing to vacate a strip of ground running north and south approximately 20’ in width on Front Street for Phillip Shank.
3. Guest Presentations:
a. Charles Ringwald is interested in purchasing a platted area owned by the town on S. Walnut Street.
4. Unfinished Business:
a. Progress report for all ongoing blighted properties.
b. WiFi in the park was once again discussed. NLBC will be contacted to have a meeting to go over area WiFi will cover once installed.
c. Lights in the park that have been out will be fixed by Duke and then Superintendent will look at the areas to see where to place new light poles. Park signs will come down immediately as the language on the sign doesn’t match the Ordinance for the park hours. The park is closed from sunset to sunrise for all traffic.
d. A motion was approved to rescind/revoke/cancel the tear down order on 411 & 415 W. Front Street.
e. Frank Brattain was appointed by the council to replace Susie Dungan on the BZA Board.
5. New Business:
a. No interest from the council members in moving town elections to an even year.
b. Approval of the K-9 donations for the new book on the K-9
c. EDA grant admn contract was tabled until the town attorney receives information.
6. Staff Reports:
a. Police Chief Roberts advised the new speeding signs to be installed on Tuesday, December 10th. The Westbound sign will be at the Golay Center and the Eastbound sign at the library. Chief also asked for curbs to be painted yellow for “No Parking!”
b. Fire Chief Gabbard asked for the council to revisit the false alarm fees as there is an increase for police and fire being called to Recovery Works.
c. Superintendent of Public Works Ken Risch advised the town has been awarded a 2025 Community Crossings Grant for paving.
7. Adjournment:
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.